Institute Staff

Posts and Dispatches from Institute Staff:

  • Former Fellow Hansen on Knowledge of the Old to Solve the New
    Former Fellow Suzy Hansen (Turkey, 2007-2009) was the subject of an article published by Los Angeles Review of Books regarding her book Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World. The article reflects on the manner and extent to which knowledge of the history provides a solution to current issues. Click here...


  • Former Fellow Hansen’s Years Abroad a “Shattering and a Shame”
    Former Fellow Suzy Hansen (Turkey, 2007-2009) was the subject of an article published by Los Angeles Review of Books regarding her book, Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World. The article reflects on how Hansen’s years as an American abroad were not characterized as “a joyous romp of self-discovery and romance.”...


  • Former Fellow Fieser on Caribbean Helicopters Evacuation Efforts
    Former  Fellow Ezra Fieser (Guatemala, 2008-2010) wrote an article published by Bloomberg about Caribbean Helicopters, owned by Neil Dickinson, which had been racing to evacuate children, elderly, and the sick off Barbuda before Hurricane Jose. Caribbean Helicopters was shuttling food, water, and emergency supplies in several times a day, and leaving with people left homeless...


  • Former Fellow Fieser on Hurrican Irma
    Former Fellow Ezra Fieser (Guatemala, 2008-2010) contributed to an article published by Livemint regarding the projected destructive costs of Hurricane Irma. The article states that “Hurricane Irma is threatening Florida with almost $200 billion worth of damages, $2 trillion of property, two weeks after Harvey struck the heart of US energy production.” Click here for...


  • Former Fellow Turner on “No Tech Tuesday”
    Former Fellow Tyrone Turner (Brazil, 1998-2000) contributed to an article published by 89.9 WWNO regarding a challenge presented to some students in Washington D.C. this summer. The school’s principal offered $100 to each student who successfully avoided television, cell phones, and video games for 11 consecutive Tuesdays. Click here for the full article....


  • Former Fellow Sims on American Exceptionalism
    Former Fellow Suzy Hansen (Turkey, 2007-2009) was featured in an article published by The Washington Post regarding the content of her book, Notes from a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World. Hansen states that “American exceptionalism is a product of 200 years of disconnection from our country’s acts around the world —...


  • Former Fellow Hansen on an American’s Strange Weight
    Former Fellow Suzy Hansen (Turkey, 2007-2009) was the subject of an article published by WUNC 91.5 regarding her book Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World. Hansen notes that we “can no longer travel in foreign countries without noticing the strange weight we carry with us.” Click here for the...


  • Former Fellow Sims on the Man at the Top of the Brazil’s “Political Crime Food Chain”
    Former Fellow Shannon Sims (Brazil, 2012-2014) wrote an article published by The Washington Post about Eduardo Cunha, who is now serving 15 years in federal prison for corruption. Sims notes that if Cunha “starts spilling his secrets in return for a reduced sentence, political scholars say [he] has so much dirt on so many politicians that virtually...


  • Former Fellow Jayapal on “Illegal Aliens”
    Former Fellow Pramila Jayapal (India, 1994-1996) was featured in an article published by The Washington Post, which discusses her reaction to a individual’s comments regarding “illegal aliens” reaping government benefits and stealing American jobs. Jayapal’s response, however, reflects her belief that “it’s important instead of just calling people out, I think it’s important to call...


  • Former Fellow Malia Politzer on Migration Crisis
    Former Fellow Malia Politzer (India, Spain, 2013-2015) wrote an article published by World Affairs Journal regarding a recent meeting in Paris between Europe’s “Big Four” and the UN-backed Libyan leader and the heads-of-state of Chad and Niger, to tackle the ongoing migration crisis. Politzer notes that “despite a lack of formal EU commitments to the measures discussed...