Fellowship Years: 1987-1989

Fellowship Topic: The role of U.S. security assistance to the Philippines and Thailand.

Fellowship Area: Philippines, Thailand

Pre-election Impressions

Mission of Mercy

Helicopters and Promotions

U.S. Military Bases

Gringo Comes to Manila

The Philippine Military Academy

View From Zamboanga

Isan Khieo–The Green Northeast

Of Past “Liberated” Areas and the Path Toward Liberation

Sibling Rivalry: The Thai-Lao Border Conflict

Thailand’s Changing Patrons

Two Buddhist Educators

New Trends in Thai Politics: The Rise of Maj. Gen. Chamlong Srimuang

Burmese Days

U.S. Military Bases Negotiations: Act III

Alsa Masa: “Freedom Fighters” or “Death Squads?”

“A War of Quick Decision” The Philippine Military Considers A New Strategy

The Shape of Things to Come: The Royal Thai Army’s Second Cavalry Division

“Go to Hell:” The RTAF Responds to Allegations of Corruption

“An Idea Plus a Bayonet:” Burmese Students Seek Arms

Don’t Bet Against the Revolution

The Philippine Aid Plan: Promoting Development or Mendicancy?

“Our Answer to the NPA”; The Philippine Army’s Special Operations Teams