Poland’s nationalist Law and Justice Party has attacked democratic institutions, the judiciary and the free press and sought to criminalize criticism of Poland’s role in the Holocaust. Still, the country’s democracy remains more robust than Hungary’s, and even critics back a US military cooperation agreement that would put more troops in Poland to deter Russia. Harlan Mandel discusses press freedom, then Irena Lasota makes the case that Western observers hold a simplistic view of Polish politics. Susan also joins Greg to discuss the Globsec security conference, the Czech Republic, Moldova and the Russian reporter Ivan Golunov.


The Cable is a production of ICWA and the Transatlantic Democracy Working Group

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Chief Executive Officer, Media Development Investment Fund




Co-founder & director, Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe





Executive Director, Institute of Current World Affairs

Journalist, author of Russians: The People Behind the Power



The Cable is produced by Rebecca Picard.



Lead image credit: By The White House from Washington, DC – President Trump and the First Lady Welcome the President of the Republic of Poland and Mrs. Agata Kornhauser-Duda, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=73654965.