Fellowship Years: 1954 – 1956

Fellowship Area(s): Tanzania, Kenya

Nairobi Hospitals

Kenya’s Medical Training School

Health Problems in an Emergency District

Ki kuyu Villagization

Asian Doctors in Nairobi

A Rural Trading Center (Madukani)

A Sleeping Sickness Settlement

Babatl Sanitary Authority

A Tanganyika Chief Visits England

Gidas Cattle Auction

Gorowa Tribe: I Origin

Gorowa Tribe: II Daily Life

Gorowa Tribe: III Medicine and Magic

Serengeti Turnpike

Sonjo Headlines

Pioneer Farmer (Mr. Marinakls, Greek)

Sonjo Tribe: I The Old Way of Life

Sonjo Tribe: II Present Situation

Sonjo Tribe: III A Biography

Sonjo Tribe: IV Medicine

Pare-Taveta Malaria Scheme

Segeju Tribe: I People of the North Tanganyika Coast

Segeju Tribe-: II Fishing off the Tanganyika Coast

Segeju Tribe: III Medicine and Devils

Ancient African Hardware